Maple med en vigtig update

Maple er kommet med en vigtig update til deres program. Gennem en måneds tid, har vi og vores elever været irriteret af en blank login-skærm når vi loggede ind via vores Googlekonti. Det var især Mac der var ramt af fænomenet.

Maple har med deres nye update ophævet fejlen, og man kan nu igen logge på via sin Google-konto, altså forudsat man har installeret updaten.

Det gør hermed indlægget om at slette ini-filen fra 9. oktober uaktuel.

Original meddelelse:

Dear Maple Network Customer,

We have released a maintenance update for Maple 2019.2.  This update fixes the following problems:

  • Maple failed to run the code in the maple.ini/.mapleinit initialization files when loading existing worksheets containing a restart() command
  • Installing some packages from the MapleCloud was unsuccessful

As there is no way to determine which users at your site use these features, or may choose to use them in the future, we strongly recommend that every customer install this update.

For more details and to update your Maple installation, please visit the Maple 2019.2.1 downloads page .

You are receiving this message because our records show that you are the appropriate contact for technical communications regarding your organization’s Maple license.  If you are not the person responsible for maintaining your Maple installation, please forward this email appropriately, and let us know and we will update our records.

Maplesoft Customer Service